Sunday the 26th April saw 8 new junior members successfully take part in their induction. The morning is designed to assess the juniors swim competence with a 200m pool swim in under 5 minutes as well as beach runs, open water swimming and group work. It is also a great opportunity for existing club members to get to meet parents.
New junior members 2015
The new members will begin their journey to becoming lifeguards of the future on the 5th May following the club's AGM and the bank holiday. They will take part in surf life saving sport training, a key part of acquiring the fitness and skills required to be a lifeguard. As well as theory around the beach environment and aquatic first aid.
Well done and thank you to all volunteers involved and a warm welcome to the club to our new members.
If you would like to join Exmouth Beach Rescue Club in the future please see our Join Us page.