Kierron Dinsdale one of our members today attended the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital following chest tightness and discomfort during his efforts in the National Championships.
He had an appointment with the Cardiology Department and the leading Consultants who under there expert eyes was subjected to a Heart scan.
The heart scan is a rapid assessment tool for identifying haemodynamically significant cardiac abnormalities in the critical care setting, the scan uses the following views, the Parasternal windo, Apical Window and the Subcostal window to obtain a three dimensional picture of the heart in order to check firstly -
He had an appointment with the Cardiology Department and the leading Consultants who under there expert eyes was subjected to a Heart scan.
The heart scan is a rapid assessment tool for identifying haemodynamically significant cardiac abnormalities in the critical care setting, the scan uses the following views, the Parasternal windo, Apical Window and the Subcostal window to obtain a three dimensional picture of the heart in order to check firstly -
- The size of the heart chambers.
- The dimensions or volume of the cavity, and the thickness of the walls.
- How the heart muscle is working and if there is any disease.
- Whether there is any ventricle enlargement and how severe it is.
- The pumping function of the heart.
A very tall order for a fifteen year old i'm sure you'll all agree, so it is with delight that I can confirm that the diagnosis has been made and i can confirm with the Dinsdale's clans consent that this young man. . . .
Is indeed a LOVE MACHINE!!!